A downloadable game for Windows


WASD to move

Space to Jump

Click the mouse to fire an arm at the cursor location

E to regenerate a limb

NOTE: it is absolutely possible to regenerate while in midair, your momentum is saved and you will not fall.

KNOWN BUGS (please read):

- If the only limb you are missing is a single leg and you try to regenerate, the limb will come back almost instantly but it will barely be visible. Making it look like you are still missing a leg when you are, in fact, not. As far as the game is concerned anyway.

- If you are in the crawling or flopped state and try to regenerate with a tile immediately above your head you will clip through the wall and be stuck there. 

The Game:

A game about someone who is not particularly attached to themselves, so to speak.

I like fast paced games and resource management. The idea here was to create a game where the character fights using his detachable and regenerating limbs. Generating pain that will make him faster, and losing blood which will eventually kill him. I think the idea has some merit. However, a complete art overhaul and gameplay rework will be required.

Very rough as my time management skills are apparently not good! I wish I could have added some music and SFX, but hindsight is 20/20 after all!

I hope it can at least entertain with some laughs!



Painkiller.zip 30 MB

Install instructions

This file is for windows 64bit. I intended for a web build but it was fighting with me and I am out of time.

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